T+A這個德國音響品牌相信很多音迷響都很熟悉,而近日T+A的原廠臉書貼出公告:其創辦人兼CEO Siegfried Amft先生獲得網路媒體SoundStage! 的年度傑出成就獎,我們恭喜T+A。
T+A創辦人Siegfried Amft獲得網路媒體SoundStage! 年度傑出成就獎
看到我們的創辦人兼CEO因為對Hi-Fi產業的貢獻而榮獲SoundStage! 的傑出成就獎,我們非常榮幸。根據SoundStage! 的報導,他對我們公司數十年的管理,以及對製造Hi-Fi音響產品的不懈努力獲得了肯定。我們也祝賀所有其他獲獎者以及他們對Hi-Fi產業的貢獻。
We are incredibly proud to see our founder and CEO honoured with an Outstanding Achievement Award from @SoundStage! for his contribution to the HiFi industry. According to @soundstagenetwork, he is recognized for his decades of stewardship over our company and his relentless drive to make high quality hi-fi products. We also congratulate all other award winners for their amazing awards and contributions to hi-fi.
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SoundStage! Hi-Fi的原文報導連結:https://reurl.cc/91yXVY